Happy Holidays! My number one tip for home decor is to always invest in larger furniture items and swap out the seasonal stuff! For example, this year for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, I spent no more than a total of $30 for each holiday. I intentionally looked for timeless decor pieces that I can use for next year and many more years to come. This year for Christmas, I got these trendy bottle brushes that are super cute! I added a few holiday candles and the entire place was instantly cozy and festive!
Fun tip: if you don’t have a mantel or a firewood place, turn on Netflix and search for “fireplace” and stream yourself a faux fireplace, AND it comes with crackling birchwood sound effects too! 🙂
1 Comment
January 23, 2022 at 8:19 amHI, your room is so pretty, and i fell in love with your nightstand, the one with the glass plate and gold. I was wondering where you got it, because it wasn’t in your description and I absolutely love it!!